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Guess the eggs!

If you think you know eggsactly how many eggs are in the jar, take a guess and enter below… you might discover it’s not as easy as it’s cracked up to be!

Make a guess to be in with the chance to win!What’s up for grabs?

The top prize winner will get their hands on a £250 Amazon voucher and five runners-up will win a £50 Amazon voucher.

*Helpful hints*

1.8kg of mini eggs

Glass jar dimensions... 

Height: 200mm

Diameter: 135mm

Volume: 1.9litres

Weight: 1.55kg

Rim Diameter: 135mm

The competition closes on 26/04/2018. All correct guesses will be in with the chance to win and winners will be selected at random. The lucky winners will be notified by email, one entry per person.